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McHenry County Undersheriff Andrew Zinke flips the "BIRD" at Blogger and former state Rep. Cal Skinner - THIS IS NEWS??? God bless him for expressing himself in public!

Thursday 1 August 2013

The long arm of the law looms even larger with the middle finger extended.
(ABOVE PHOTO) McHenry County Undersheriff Andrew Zinke found that out recently when he was photographed with the middle digit of his left hand standing tall as he drove past crowds at the Independence Day parade in Crystal Lake last month.
Blogger and former state Rep. Cal Skinner took the photo and posted it on his McHenry County Blog, accusing Zinke of directing an obscene gesture at Skinner, who has made no effort to hide his disdain for the undersheriff on his blog.
The Great Bird-Flip Flap might have ended there. But then Zinke sent an email to McHenry County Board members complaining that Skinner created a "false story" around the photo, that Zinke had not intentionally given Skinner "the finger" and that Zinke has been the target of "personal attacks" since announcing his candidacy for sheriff.
"Other than to acknowledge I was apparently holding the roof of my vehicle with my middle finger instead of all my fingers, there isn't much more to say," Zinke wrote.

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