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Natalie Laurin-Appleby, 26, Duluth MN woman enters fast lane as drag race driver

Thursday 3 October 2013

Natalie Laurin-Appleby, 26, placed second in the ICE (index class eliminator) 13.5 division at Brainerd International Raceway’s Muscle Car Shootout on Labor Day Weekend, one year removed from that poky quarter-mile run and taking second place in a powder-puff event.

Natalie Laurin-Appleby’s first trip down a drag strip didn’t threaten any land speed records.
Her speed wouldn’t even have qualified her for the fast lane down Interstate 35.
“It didn’t come very easy,” Laurin-Appleby said. “On my first run I went 68 mph down the quarter mile. It felt a lot faster than that, but after a while it got a little bit easier.”
And much speedier.
The 26-year-old Duluthian placed second in the ICE (index class eliminator) 13.5 division at Brainerd International Raceway’s Muscle Car Shootout on Labor Day Weekend, just a year removed from that poky quarter-mile run and taking second place in a powder-puff event.

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