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Black Thugs attack whites at church carnival - At St. Mary's Polish Country Fair in Michigan - For 42 years this church has had peaceful carnivals until the black animals started to roar their heads

Monday 27 May 2013

Don't look for anybody in the media to mention it is BLACKS ruining another public event...
But god forbid had WHITES went to a black church carnival and started fights... it would be a national news story and hate crimes!

Organizers of the decades-old St. Mary’s Polish Country Fair in Orchard Lake are facing a growing problem with fights. Lifelong fairgoer Kristy Gursky said brawling teens Saturday night at the fair made if uncomfortable for her family.
“It was like mayhem. Everywhere we looked there were fights breaking out and mobs of 100 or 200 people would go running to witness the fights,” she said.

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