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Chicago Sun-Times lays off ALL OF THEIR NEWS PHOTOGRAPHERS TODAY on the day this is also announced - Bob Kotalik, former chief photographer for Chicago Sun-Times, dies at 87

Thursday 30 May 2013

Bob Kotalik got his first job in journalism in 1942, cleaning out the pigeon loft at the Chicago Sun, a predecessor to the Chicago Sun-Times.
The pigeons ferried film from sporting events. Within a few years, Mr. Kotalik was shooting the film for the Sun-Times.
In a 47-year career with the paper, he chronicled movie stars such as Marilyn Monroe and horrific tragedies including the Our Lady of Angels fire before becoming the paper’s chief photographer.
Mr. Kotalik, 87, died Wednesday morning at his home in Mesa, Ariz., of Alzheimer’s disease.
“He had a knack for news and an extra sense of anticipating what was going to happen,” said John H. White, a Pulitzer prize-winning Sun-Times photographer who worked with Mr. Kotalik.
“He knew that you could never publish an excuse, so he always produced,” White said.

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