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Minister Porkchop Louie Farrakhan's great $1.00 per person Ponzi Scheme in Detroit

Wednesday 29 May 2013

Welcome back to Detroit Minister Farrakhan all the way from Chicago where The Nation of Islam moved like everybody else from Detroit.

Farrakhan stopped by City Council Friday morning. He suggested each African-American living in Detroit put $1 a month into a pooled account. The money would be used to buy undesirable property and teach young people trades through neighborhood rehabilitation.

Anyway, don't forget about investing in Highland Park, the little sister city of Detroit wholly surrounded by Detroit. It's got great neighbors and plenty of buildings that need some fixing up, including a white, multistory structure with a Nation of Islam sign hanging over the front entrance.

Well, I'm sure the last tenants were reputable and didn't tear out the plumbing and stuff, so it would be a good investment, a couple of cans of paint.  Of course, you'll have to evict the current tenants.

"The squatters, the crack heads, the dogs, everybody else that comes in this building. They need to do something to this building and get it right. That's what they need to do. No if, and, buts about it. Get it right, and we'll have a nice community here," a resident told me.

So come on down, Minister.

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