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Rahm Emanuel's great new parking meter deal! Give the corrupt politically connected company another HALF BILLION DOLLARS!

Friday 24 May 2013

This parking meter deal could be null and voided based on the corruption involved but the civil trial would show all the Chicago politicians involved including former Mayor Daley - Rahm Emanuel doesn't have the balls to do that!

Advantage, meter firm

Revised city deal still a gain for vendor, analysis finds

Chicago taxpayers still could end up pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into the coffers of the company leasing the city's parking meters under Mayor Rahm Emanuel's revamp of the much-reviled deal, a Tribune analysis has found.
Most of the extra money Chicago Parking Meters LLC stands to collect would come from penalty payments for meters taken out of service and excessive use of disabled parking permits, despite the mayor's efforts to reduce both. The company also could get an additional $76 million from a new pay-by-cellphone system Emanuel wants added to the contract.
All told, the Tribune analysis found that the company could amass an estimated $517 million in additional revenue on top of the parking meter fees it already stands to collect, clawing back nearly 45 percent of the $1.15billion the company paid the city to lease its paid street parking system under then-Mayor Richard M. Daley.

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