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The police cars you wouldn't mind getting a lift in: Dubai police officers drive around in fleet of super-cars including multi-million dollar Aston Martin

Saturday 25 May 2013

Speeding motorists won't be shouting 'catch me if you can' at Dubai's police force anymore after its officers started driving around in a fleet of 190 mph super cars.
The emirate is known for its multi-millionaire petrol-heads, who drive around the wealthy state in some of the world's finest vehicles.
Not to be outdone, the force's officers are now cruising around in a Lamborghini, Ferrari, Bentley and Mercedes - all capable of speeds in excess of 190 mph.

See more police cars, the news video and read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2330799/The-police-cars-wouldnt-mind-getting-lift-Dubai-officers-drive-fleet-supercars-including-1-6m-Aston-Martin.html#ixzz2UL8ruG3y 

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