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LAW ENFORCEMENT SAFETY ALERT - Liberty Ultra-Defense Ammo - Able to penetrate bullet proof vest / body armor

Friday 24 May 2013

**Urgent, New Special Threat Round Identified** PLEASE SHARE
All, please share this with all pertinent Law Enforcement personnel.
We at Dana Safety Supply were recently offered and received a shipment of ammunition from one of our larger distributors. This ammunition was sold as "self defense rounds" and were touted as being "extremely hot".
Upon receipt of the ammunition we immediately saw it as a threat to body armor. The bullet nose is "lead-free", extremely light (50 gr. 9mm & 60 gr. .40 cal), has a hollow point nose with a hollowed out interior, and is marketed as the "Fastest known handgun ammunition in the world" with muzzle velocities in excess of 2000 FPS.
The speed and bullet construction raised significant concern to the safety of our LEO customers. A decision was made by Dana Safety Supply NOT TO OFFER THE AMMUNITION TO THE OPEN MARKET until testing could be completed.
I alerted one of the armor companies we represent (company name withheld at this time) and brought the round to their attention. A box of 9mm and .40 cal were overnighted to their testing facilities two weeks ago.
In the interim we utilized our in-house shoot box and a non-expired, NIJ 0101.05 Interim Standard Level II vest (manufacturer withheld) to do our own non-official testing. Many LEO's are still wearing '.05 Interim Standard vests.
The vest was mounted to a standard "torso" shoot box filled with clay. The clay utilized was not the standard "Roma Plastilina" clay utilized in official shoots, nor was it standardized to the correct temperature range. The shots were also not chronographed during the shoot. The shoot was for informational purposes only and was non-scientific.
Out of 12 total rounds fired into the vest panel, 6 penetrated.
This morning we received a telephone call from the armor manufacturer who was officially testing the ammunition, this time shooting against CURRENT TECHNOLOGY NIJ 0101.06 Standard Level II vest. The '.06 vest stopped all of the 9mm ammunition, but four out of eight rounds of USM4 .40 Cal penetrated the armor in laboratory conditions.
In speaking with the distributor of the ammunition it was found that the following box counts were received and subsequently sold into the open market:
6,750 Boxes of 20 were sold in .45 ACP
7,500 Boxes of 20 were sold in .40 Cal
33,400 Boxes of 20 were sold in 9mm
That is ONE distributor, this ammunition was sold through numerous other national suppliers.
DSS will not sell this ammunition to other than LEO / Military Personnel. I do not believe other firearms suppliers know of the armor penetrating characteristics of this ammunition, and therefore believe it is flooding into the market. Ammunition sales are at an all time high level, and although this is expensive ammunition we believe it will be widely purchased.
Please be aware of this new threat. The FBI is being advised through the armor manufacturer as well and will likely be sending out an advisement nationwide.
Thank you for your selfless dedication to the safety of the public, we remain committed to supporting you in every way possible through technology, communication, and above all, service.
Thomas Sabo
General Manager
Dana Safety Supply
813-361-8004 cell
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