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Anything our crooked elected officials touch or control - Audit of state port authority turns up widespread mismanagement at Port of Chicago

Friday 26 July 2013

Photo: Mayor Rahm Emanuel announces plans to revitalize the Port of Chicago last Sunday - meaning take control with his appointments and skim what he can....

When Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced Sunday that a private company would take over management of the Port of Chicago on the city's Southeast Side, it was evident port operations were not shipshape. For one thing, the port lost money every year for the past decade, until last year.
Now it's clear the port — run by a government authority — was more deeply troubled.
A blistering 155-page report by the Illinois Auditor General released this week details instances of rampant mismanagement at the port, sloppy record-keeping, issuance of no-bid contracts for sizable purchases and generally poor oversight by the Illinois International Port District. The district owns and operates the Port of Chicago as a landlord, leasing land, buildings and docks to private operators.

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