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Detroit council supports calls for federal investigation of possible civil rights charges against George Zimmerman

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Detroit just filed bankruptcy and is falling apart but that doesn't stop a lot of white hating black radical elected officials from getting involved in the ZIMMERMAN CASE. 

PHOTO: Detroit Wildebeest & City Councilwoman JoAnn Watson talks at a City Council meeting on Monday June 11, 2012. Watson sponsored a resolution passed by council supporting an NAACP petition seeking federal civil rights charges against George Zimmerman.

The Detroit City Council on Tuesday unanimously passed a resolution calling for a federal investigation to see whether civil rights charges are warranted against George Zimmerman, who was acquitted July 13 of second-degree murder and manslaughter charges in the killing of Florida teen Trayvon Martin.

The resolution, sponsored by Councilwoman JoAnn Watson, sparked a discussion over the need for city leaders and others to focus more on violence in Detroit.

“We need to have that same level of outrage with respect to the black-on-black crime that takes place in our community,” Councilman Kenneth Cockrel Jr. said. “How many people were shot — maybe even shot and killed this past weekend in the city — mostly likely by folks who look just like them?”


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