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Artisan Business Group held Chinese EB-5 market seminar in Chicago

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Artisan Business Group held a two day (July 23-24) seminar for EB-5 professionals who focus on Chinese investors market. The Chicago seminar started with US securities law lecture by Mr. Jerold Siegan, an attorney with Pedersen & Houpt. Mr. Peter Qiu, a Chicago business attorney also addressed on project due diligence and business law issues. The two day event ended with a tour to an African American-operated Burger King restaurant in downtown Chicago which has utilized EB-5 finance and to be open next week. For more information about EB-5 immigrant investor program, contact us at info@ArtisanBusinessGroup.com or call Mr. McKay at 217-899-6661.

Workshop in Chicago
Visiting a new Burger King restaurant

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