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Message from ONE OLD VET

Saturday 27 July 2013

The recent flap over comments made by Rep. Steve King (IA-R) has brought some heretofore unknown (by me) facts concerning crimes committed by ILLEGAL aliens.
I have maintained that the crimes committed by ILLEGALS are the ONLY crimes that are 100% preventable. It follows that if they weren’t here to begin with that they would not be killing, raping, kidnapping molesting and robbing Americans!
A November 10, 2011 House resolution; H. RES. 461, “To support the goals and ideals of the National Day of Remembrance of Victims of Illegal Aliens” (LINK) revealed that despite a dearth of statistics concerning crimes committed by ILLEGAL aliens that GAO was able to determine:
    • 25,064 homicide arrests of criminal aliens have taken place since 1955;
    • 52,929 criminal aliens incarcerated in Federal prisons and another 295,959 criminal aliens incarcerated in State and local facilities in fiscal year 2009;
    • 50% of those criminal aliens were arrested at least once for either assault, homicide, robbery, a sex offense, or kidnapping.
Recently, the FBI decided that it will categorize crimes committed by Latinos & Hispanics (LINK) BUT not by their immigration status.
Frankly, the immigration status of a criminal seems more important to me than race or ethnicity since not all ILLEGALS are Latinos or Hispanics.
The Senate’s amnesty bill gives a pass to many felonies committed by ILLEGALS that would garner long jail terms for any American citizen.
America is on the verge of fundamental change that our beloved Republic will never survive or recover from.
Amnesty, in all its forms, must be opposed and stopped dead in its tracks!

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