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Retired Chicago city workers file suit to save health-care subsidy & not to be dumped into ObamaCare

Friday 26 July 2013

PHOTO: Retired Chicago Police Officer Mike Underwood, the lead plaintiff in the city retirees' lawsuit over health-care subsidies, holds photos of two police stations where he served

Chicago’s 30,000 retired city employees are trying to stop Mayor Rahm Emanuel from saving $108.7 million — by phasing out the city’s 55 percent subsidy for retiree health care and foisting Obamacare on them.
One week after an unprecedented, triple-drop in Chicago’s bond rating, retirees have filed a class-action lawsuit against the city and its four employee pension funds that threatens to make the financial crisis even worse.
The suit argues that the Illinois Constitution guarantees that municipal pension membership benefits are an “enforcible contractual relationship which may not be diminished or impaired.”

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