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Gurnee, IL free living Section 8 Negro Nyasha c. Mbawa, 19, arrested for raping 2 girls under 13 years old

Friday 26 July 2013

A Gurnee welfare parasitic Negro has been charged with sexually assaulting two girls who were both under the age of 13, officials said.
Nyasha C. Mbawa, 19, of the 36000 block of Grand Oaks Court in Gurnee was initially charged with three counts of predatory criminal sexual assault of a child, according to a media release issued by the Lake County Sheriff's Office.
The mother of one of the girls reported that her daughter had been a victim on July 11 and told police her daughter mentioned that MBawa had sexual contact with her, the release said.
Mwaba admitted to detectives that he had sexual contact with that girl and another girl. He was charged with three counts of predatory sexual assault for the first victim and was later charged with four more counts on Thursday for the attack on the second victim who was also under the age of 13, the release said.
Mwaba was initially ordered held on $500,000 bail, but the bail amount was increased to $1 million after he was charged with the additional counts of predatory criminal sexual assault, police said.
His next court date is  scheduled for Aug. 20 at 1:30 p.m.
Anyone with information about Mbawa or other victims should contact Detective Wendell Russell at 847-377-3180 of Detective Ann Schilitz at 847-377-4149.

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