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Thursday 20 June 2013

"Together we will see Juneteenth become a national holiday observance in America!"
        WHAT IS JUNETEENTH? Juneteenth is an annual observance to celebrate the date Union soldiers enforced the
Emancipation Proclamation freeing all remaining slaves in Galveston, Texas, on June 19, 1865.  Texas was the last state in
rebellion, following the end of the Civil War, to allow enslavement. Although the rumors of freedom were widespread prior
to this, actual emancipation was not announced in the last state practicing enslavement at the end of the Civil War until
General Gordon Granger came to Galveston, Texas and issued
 General Order No. 3, on the "19th of June", almost two
and a half years after President Abraham Lincoln signed the
Emancipation Proclamation.

WASHINGTON JUNETEENTH National Holiday Observance
Returns to the Nation's Capitol

Myers Request Congress Support Legislation to Establish
Juneteenth Independence Day as a National Day of Observance

Speaker of the House John Boehner to Host Unveiling of Statue
of Frederick Douglass on Juneteenth at the U.S. Capitol

Myers to host 14th Annual WASHINGTON JUNETEENTH National Holiday
Observance Congressional Juneteenth Reception with Reading of "What
to the American Slave Is Your 4th of July?"
by Frederick Douglass
at the U.S. Capitol

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee to present a resolution to recognize
the 2013 WASHINGTON JUNETEENTH National Holiday Observance
at the U.S. Capitol

Ron Myers John Boehner Frederick Douglass
Rev. Ronald V. Myers, Sr., M.D., (left) Chairman of the National Juneteenth
Observance Foundation (NJOF) and the National Juneteenth Christian Leadership
Council (NJCLC), Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH), who will
be hosting a ceremony to unveil statue of Frederick Douglass at the U.S. Capitol on
the "19th of June", Juneteenth (center) and Frederick Douglass, (right), who will
be honored with a reading of his historic speech at the annual WASHINGTON
JUNETEENTH Congressional Reception,
"What to the American Slave Is Your
4th of July?"
, also at the U.S. Capitol on Juneteenth.

Ron Myers Danny Davis Carl Levin
Rev. Ronald V. Myers, Sr., M.D., (left) Chairman of the National Juneteenth
Observance Foundation (NJOF) and the National Juneteenth Christian
Leadership Council (NJCLC), Congressman Danny K. Davis (D-IL), (center)
and Senator Carl Levin (D-MI), (right) historic sponsors of legislation
recognizing the historic significance of Juneteenth Indepenedence Day
in the U.S. Congress.
NJOF Press Releases)
Ron Myers Juneteenth Jazz Banner Sheila Jackson Lee
Rev. Ronald V. Myers, Sr., M.D., (left) Chairman of the National Association
of Juneteenth Jazz Presenters (NAJJP) and the National Juneteenth Jazz Artist
will receive a resolution from Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) (right)
recognizing the 2013 WASHINGTON JUNETEENTH National Holiday Observance
on the "19th of June", Juneteenth (center), also at the U.S. Capitol.

(Legislation in congress to make Juneteenth Independence Day a National Day of Observance, like Flag Day or Patriot Day)

 Chairman's Statement Urging President Obama to Support JUNETEENTH INDEPENDENCE DAY Legislation
 Chairman's Statement Regarding JUNETEENTH INDEPENDENCE DAY 

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