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17 year old colored boy Iquise V. Taylor charged in the anal rape & brutal beating of a 93 year old woman

Tuesday 27 August 2013

ANDERSON, Ind.  - Charges were officially filed against a 17-year-old who was arrested for the rape of a 93-year-old Anderson woman.
Officials in a news conference say Iquise V. Taylor has been charged with Sodomy rape, criminal deviate conduct, burglary and strangulation. Police say DNA evidence left at the crime scene linked Iquise Taylor to the scene.
Investigators say he kicked in a back door leading to the woman's home in the 3600 block of Hamilton Place. The teen lived in a home about one block from Rudolf’s house.
Police say the 93-year-old was sleeping when the intruder entered her home near 36th and Hamilton Place.
Court documents say Taylor strangled the woman  as he raped her in the home where she raised her five children. She hasn't been back to the home since.
“I would like to go back because it is the house my husband built for me and my family,” Rudolf said.  “I have been happy all my life there until now.”

Rudolf and her family praised the Anderson Police Department for capturing the accused.
“I couldn't believe that it was this soon. I didn't think I would live long enough to see who did it,” Rudolf said. “I am happy it turned out the way it is right now.”
But not everyone is happy. The teen’s mom, Angela Taylor, told 24-Hour News 8 her son is innocent. When the crime took place, Angela Taylor said her son “was in the house sleeping.”
Prosecutors say if convicted, the teen could spend 40 to 50 years in prison. Rudolf’s family wants to see that happen.
“If he lives a life in prison. I hope it will be terrifying for him,” the victim’s oldest daughter, Tresa Hale said. “I can’t help but say that (When) judgment day comes I want him to be terrified when the devil comes to take him.”
Taylor was arrested on Friday for the July 16 incident. He was put on a 72-hour hold and formally charged as an adult on Monday.

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