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N.I.U. - After firing the black militant racist black police chief Donald Grady Northern Illinois University hires former University of Chicago police officer Tom Phillips as their new police chief

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Fired Police Chief Donald "I got more medals than Capt Dennis Walsh & Deputy Chief Leo Schmitz COMBINED" Grady has been replace by Tom Phillips 

Northern Illinois University named a new police chief today as it continues efforts to move beyond the turmoil in the campus police department last school year.

Tom Phillips, who has been deputy chief with University of Chicago’s police department, will take over at NIU as the FBI and other federal and state agencies continue their investigation of the university, including its police department. The school’s longtime police chief, Donald Grady, was fired in February.

In a statement announcing the new police chief, NIU officials emphasized Baker’s “ethical leadership” and the “high value” he places on “cooperation with all of the academic, operational and administrative units of the university, as well as state and local law enforcement agencies.”


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