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I am very close to the breaking point - Second City Cop reports: 400 ipads stolen from Chicago Public Schools Dearborn Homes School - You see the Chicago NEGROES get free ipads as WHITE GETS SHIT! When is somebody going to SUE????

Saturday 31 August 2013

400 Missing iPads

Crime is down!
  • Maybe Rahm can use some of the money generated by the cameras to replace the almost 400 ipads that were stolen from the grammer school in the Dearborn Homes on Thursday nite. Yes folks, seems this school had the new still in the box ipads securely stored IN THE AUDITORIUM! And guess who stole the ipads . . . of course the shitheads that live in Dearborns. Ipads were being sold like packs of squares in the Dearborns for a hundred bucks a pop. Now you gotta ask yourself, how many CPS schools in taxpaying neighborhoods got new ipads for their kids? What CPS administrator thought it would be a good idea to leave all the new ipads setting in the auditorium overnight? And finally, how is it that the shitheads that stole the ipads knew right where to find them. Hmmmm.
We couldn't find any mention of this in the media as of yet.

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