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Media blackout: White man beaten with baseball bat by group of black men in D.C. (Photos)

Tuesday 6 August 2013

On July 2, Tommy Branch, 23, was sentenced to 28 years in prison, after being found guilty of ten counts of assault and robbery, in the near-fatal beating of a man on Capitol Hill last year.

On Aug. 18, 2012, 30-year-old T.C. Maslin was walking home after attending a Washington Nationals baseball game, when he was brutally attacked by three men.
Maslin was hit in the head with an aluminum baseball bat, and robbed of his cellphone and bank card.
Tommy Branch, 23, of Fort Washington, Maryland, called the bat his "Barry Bonds," according to detectives. With a two-fisted grip, Branch wound up and swung so hard that TC's skull shattered, an optic nerve was severed and he was left with a dent across the left side of his head.
He was found eight hours later on a front porch a few blocks from home, unconscious and bleeding internally where pieces of his skull had sliced into his brain.
 The beating left Maslin, who has a two-year-old son, in a coma for several days, and permanently brain damaged.He now has great difficulty speaking, walking and using his arms.
Maslin earned a master's degree from Duke University, and worked as an associate director for IHS, a global consulting firm.
He and his wife Abby, a District school teacher, spend much of their time these days attending physical and speech therapy sessions.
As for the two other assailants...
-Michael Moore, 19, of Landover, Md., pleaded guilty to aggravated assault and robbery and testified against Branch.
-On July 20, a jury convicted Sunny Kuti, 17, of armed robbery, assault with intent to commit armed robbery and assault with intent to commit robbery in another attack, about an hour after Maslin was beaten.
While this horrific crime received a good deal of attention from local media outlets, it was not mentioned by the national press.

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