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As almost a 1,000 Chicago Public School Teachers are laid off - CPS will hire 600 inner city folks to enhance the "SAFE PASSAGE PROGRAM" in the black neighborhoods

Sunday 16 June 2013

"District officials have pledged to spend millions of dollars to enhance the existing Safe Passage program, which stations adults to stand watch along key routes and alert police of any problems."

CHICAGO –  The city of Chicago, which plans to close dozens of schools this summer to save money, has received 11,000 requests for help getting children to their new schools along safe-passage routes.

The Chicago Sun-Times reported Saturday (http://bit.ly/17bnWa2 ) that 600 adults will be hired next month to work along the routes, which are being established to make sure students from closed schools can get to their new schools safely.

Jadine Chou, Chicago Public Schools officer of safety and security, said parents at more than 40 schools receiving students from closed schools have had a chance to see the proposed safe routes and have given their input.

"No one knows these areas better than parents," Chou said.

District officials have pledged to spend millions of dollars to enhance the existing Safe Passage program, which stations adults to stand watch along key routes and alert police of any problems. The program is similar to initiatives in New York and Los Angeles.

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