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Detroit is too broke to send police on calls, the effect of this? Self Defense Killings in Detroit Spike to 2200% Above National Average; Justifiable Homicide up 79% - Almost all that are killed are BLACK

Sunday 2 June 2013

As the economic crisis in 2008 took hold and the nation’s spiral into the next Great Depression became more apparent, we opined that crime would sky rocket as a consequence of millions of lost jobs, falling purchasing power and outright desperation.
The city of Detroit, which has been a harbinger for future trends soon to take hold across major metropolitan areas around the country, has no doubt experienced the worst of the depression thus far. Entire city blocks have become unlivable due to foreclosures and rampant crime, the jobless rate in 2009 exceeded 50% and a mass exodus has left the population at levels not seen since 1910.
By all accounts, the Motor City is ground zero for the collapse of America as we know it. Reminiscent of poverty stricken third world countries, it’s gotten so bad in Detroit that there are areas of the city where police and emergency services personnel refuse to go.
This has left law abiding residents of the city no choice but to arm themselves and start taking matters into their own hands.

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