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Leftist Member Of Pro-Trayvon Martin Group Tries To Sneak On To Zimmerman Jury…

Thursday 13 June 2013

Shockingly, he’s an “unemployed painter and musician” (along with being a member of a “progressive” group “dedicated to seeking justice for Trayvon Martin”).
A member of a pro-Travyon Martin group was unmasked Wednesday as he tried to get on the Florida jury in George Zimmerman’s trial for shooting the unarmed teen.
A white male potential juror identified on his Facebook page as Jerry Counelis gave long, rambling answers about his impartiality when asked basic questions by attorneys.
Counelis, known as panelist E-7, said he was an unemployed painter and musician and had no problem being sequestered if chosen to serve on the jury.
After both prosecution and defense attorneys finished questioning the potential juror, they requested a sidebar with the judge.
Nelson circled something on a piece of paper and handed it to him, and told him to look at it and tell the court if he posted it.
Counelis said ‘yes,’ and was dismissed from the room. It’s not clear if he’s been taken off the list of potential jurors.
According to its Facebook page, the Coffee Party Progressives is a group “dedicated to seeking justice for Trayvon Martin.”
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