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Mexico’s new consul general in Chicago Carlos Martin Jimenez - Macias was previously deported from USA as an illegal beaner

Tuesday 18 June 2013

CHICAGO – Mexico’s new consul general in Chicago said Monday that U.S. immigration reform is possible as a result of the new vision imposed by globalization, but he warned that, as in any negotiation, “nobody’s going to win everything.”

“I think that it will be a very important step for undocumented immigrants in all countries, and if not exactly everything that the law requires is achieved, the rest will be the issue of a new struggle,” Carlos Martin Jimenez Macias said in an interview with Efe.

Jimenez, 62, is a veteran politician who as a 16-year-old experienced what it was like to live as an undocumented immigrant in Chicago, where he lived with his two brothers.

“They deported me after working for a year in a factory and in landscaping and I have an experience that marked me greatly,” he said.

His brothers remained in the United States and now live in Texas and Washington state.


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