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Potawatomi shooting: Casino chaos ensues when 23-year-old black boy with a checkered past gets shot (Video)

Sunday 16 June 2013

The Potawatomi shooting early Sunday morning at 1:30 a.m. inside Milwaukee’s Potawatomi Bingo Casino ended with a 23-year-old woman being shot in the leg and her 27-year-old boyfriend being arrested by Milwaukee police. After the Potawatomi shooting, the 23-year-old woman from Wauwatosa was taken to Froedert Hospital with non-life threatening injuries, reported CBS58 on June 16, 2013.

Following the Potawatomi shooting, Milwaukee police arrested the 23-year-old woman’s boyfriend who shot his girlfriend during a fight at the casino.
According to a statement released by Potawatomi officials, no other people were injured during the Potawatomi shooting and law enforcement as well as the casino’s security guards are being praised for their response.
"We are thankful no one was hurt more seriously and that the situation was contained quickly. Response by local law enforcement as well as our security team was outstanding. Potawatomi Bingo Casino will continue to cooperate and assist throughout [the] investigation into this extremely isolated event."
However, according to eye witnesses who were in the Potawatomi Bingo Casino during the shooting, the chaos that ensued after the couple’s fight did result in minor injuries of casino guests who tried to escape the shooting scene, ran to the bathrooms, or tried to take cover.
“Witnesses described a chaotic scene inside the casino after the shooting happened. Police told WISN 12 News that multiple people may have suffered very minor injuries while trying to get away from the shooting scene,” reportedWISN.
One eye witness who was upstairs at the bingo hall during the Potawatomi shooting had less praise for the casino’s security guards than the official Potawatomi statement.
“I was upstairs at the bingo hall, and then when it was over they told everybody to exit because it was a shooting downstairs. The security guards was there. They dropped like everybody else dropped. They wasn’t too much protecting each other. They were trying but they were scared too. They fell to the floor. The whole casino fell to the floor basically.”
Another eye witness also told FOX6 News that there was no “quick response” by the casino’s security guards.
“We were scared you know. All the security in there didn’t do nothing you know. Four tables away from shooting, we heard like four or five shots. My brother, he just hold my hand and we duck down under table. After that all the security told us to just go out you know,” said eye witness Tien Pham.
The brother of the 23-year-old woman did try to intervene when the fight between her and her boyfriend broke out but he was unable to prevent his sister from getting shot. He was not injured.
After the Potawatomi shooting at 1:30 a.m, the Potawatomi Bingo Casino was closed until 9:00 a.m. on Sunday. JS Online, the Milwaukee-Wisconsin Sentinel, is asking for anyone else who has witnessed the casino shooting.
“Were you at Potawatomi Bingo Casino around 1:30 a.m. Sunday when shots were fired inside the building? If so, we'd like to hear from you. Email us with your contact information atjsmetro@jrn.com or call the newsroom at 414-224-2318.”

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