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Retired Chicaqo Police Det. Reynaldo Guevara accused of coercing testimony invokes 5th Amendment rights

Tuesday 18 June 2013

A former Chicago detective accused of coercing testimony from witnesses and making the notorious former police Commander Jon Burge “look like small potatoes” spent Monday morning invoking his Fifth Amendment rights on a witness stand.
A pair of defense attorneys did their best to interrogate retired Det. Reynaldo Guevara as they fought to overturn their clients’ convictions for the 1993 murder of Rodrigo Vargas.
But the elderly, bespectacled Guevara answered each of their questions with the same refrain.
“I remain, my Fifth Amendment rights,” Guevara answered.
The lawyers representing Armando Serrano and Jose Montanez questioned the former detective about alleged promises he’s made and violence he’s accused of either threatening or carrying out against witnesses in the case against their clients.
But he refused to answer.

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