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BLACKS BEAT WHITE HOMELESS MAN TO DEATH - 20-year-old Peris Dorsette & a juvenile violently beat 57 year old Gary Lee Nagy to death

Monday 5 August 2013

FLINT, MI – Police and prosecutors allege 20-year-old Peris Dorsette kicked and stomped a homeless man to death because Doresette felt "disrespected."

Dorsette, along with a 15-year-old boy who has not yet been arrested or charged, allegedly beat 57-year-old Gary Nagy, who they found sleeping next to a dumpster near McKinley Middle School on July 30. Police also are looking for others who may have been involved.
In a warrant hearing on Friday, Michigan State Police Detective Tiffany Robbins said Dorsette, a 15-year-old boy and two others were walking to get cigarettes from King's Lane apartments sometime after midnight July 30 when Nagy was attacked.

A witness told police the men were walking through the parking lot at the now-closed McKinley when they heard a noise and saw Nagy sleeping under a dumpster cover, Robbins said. They allegedy began "taunting and teasing" Nagy about being homeless and asking why he was sleeping under a dumpster.

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