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CHICAGO - Group of Illegal Beaner Hunger Strikers seek free government paid organ transplants for illegals

Monday 5 August 2013

I hope you all die a long painful hunger strike death.....
Demanding access to organ transplant procedures for undocumented immigrants, a group of hunger strikers set up camp outside Northwestern Memorial Hospital on Sunday.
They said they would stay until hopsital CEO Dean Harrison agreed to a meeting.
The group of about 40 picketers included 14 people who were in the sixth day of a hunger strike.
“We’re asking for help,” said Blanca Gomez, 23, who needs a kidney transplant. “I go to dialysis three times a week. I’m not going off the hunger strike until I get on the transplant list.”
Gomez said she had lost four pounds and was surviving on water and Gatorade.
The group said 14 undocumented Mexican immigrants who live in the Chicago area need either a liver or kidney transplant, but they can’t afford care because they are denied federal health care because they’re not citizens.

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