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Insider Insights: Accelerated EB-5 Capital Raising Process Workshop

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Chicago Workshop July 25, 2013
" I thought the day we spent together in Chicago was very informative and helped me fill in a few holes in my understanding of the EB-5 program and its processes.  I’ve been involved in moving our Regional Center forward for the past 2 years and have spoken and met with many people.  It became clear that you are clearly the EB-5 expert." - Jeff

With many new happenings and developments in the U.S. and overseas marketplaces, are you ready for new challenges in the competitive and crowded EB-5 marketplace?  Mr. Brian Su will be hosting Insider Insights: Accelerated EB-5 Capital Raising Process Workshop in Chicago Oct 31, 2013. The  one-day personalized workshop focused solely on analyzing current and future market trends, developing effective project marketing tactics and capital raise strategies for EB-5 projects that are seeking alternative finance from overseas investors.  Participants will have full engagement in the discussions on topics such as project development, project marketing, investors procurement and investor relations.  For more information about attending this workshop, log on and register now!  ONLY 10 participants are accepted for this workshop, book early!

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