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Pinellas Florida Bus Driver May Face Jail Time For Following Natalie Jackson’s Advice… Driver Allowed Blacks To Beat White Student In Racial Attack

Saturday 3 August 2013

PHOTOS: Joshua  Reddin, Julian McKnight, Lloyd Khemradj,  all-15-years old colored boys 

Police in Gulfport have requested a local DA to file a charge against a bus driver for failing to be George Zimmerman.    Well, kinda…  watch the video and you’ll see the issue:

What is really at play here is *why* the bus driver did not engage to assist. However, against the demands of the Natalie Jackson types for young black males to be left alone to roam at will and never challenged, he was, and is, between a racial rock, and a racist hard place.
One can only imagine how the BGI and NAACP would approach the driver if he did step forth to defend the white student from the mob beating.  [Think, "he shoulda stayed in his car seat]  After all, according to the Sharpton, Jackson and Jealous, contingent this beatdown could not be considered racist because the victim was white.
Here’s more:

FLORIDA - Gulfport police recently released surveillance video from a school bus that shows the bus driver’s perspective of a beating earlier this month.
In the video from July 9th, the victim is sitting in the second seat of the Pinellas school bus with his head down. The violence starts as soon as he stands-up to get off the bus.

 The bus driver, John Moody, can be heard yelling for somebody to try to stop them and calls dispatch for help, “I got a fight. I need help in a hurry, I got a fight I need help in a hurry.”

The punches and kicks continue, and the victim falls between the seats. At one point you can hear his screams on the video. The bus driver yells at the attackers, “leave that boy alone,” but doesn’t try to intervene physically.

Then he again calls dispatch to verify the address. “Get somebody out here quick, quick quick they’re about to beat this boy to death. There’s nothing I can do…please send somebody,” said Moody.

According to Pinellas school bus driver policy the driver’s first duty is to call dispatch, and only has to step in if they think it’s safe. They’re not required to intervene.
Gulfport Police Chief Robert Vincent has publicly questioned the driver’s lack of action even after the offending teens had left the bus. “There was time for him to intervene and or check on the welfare of the child in this case. He didn’t make any effort to do so and that’s what we want to bring to the attention of the prosecutor,” said Chief Vincent. (read more)

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