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LETTERS TO THE EDITOR / TRUE NEWS USA - Illegal Beaners & Mariachi Band takes over St. Casimir Lithuanian Cemetery. 4401 W. 111th St. Chicago Cook County Illinois on Father's Day

Monday, 17 June 2013

Dear Friends, 

Yesterday (Father's day) I went to St. Casimir’s Cemetery around 5 p.m.
As I drove into the cemetery, I heard loud music, and people singing/shouting Aye Aye Yi Yi, etc. wafting and echoing over loud speakers throughout the cemetery. 

I drove up to a large crowd of hispanic people, near the main building where 
the rest rooms are located, etc. A large tent was set up, and numerous food and drink coolers were scattered about, in between various grave stones.  Five mariachi players were singing, playing guitars, horns, etc.  

A large crowd of people were sitting in lawn chairs - drinking, smoking, eating and enjoying the live entertainment. Quite the party atmosphere, with total disregard to persons mourning and paying their respects to the memory of departed loved ones. I could not believe what I was seeing.

This group found an ideal private weekend location, free for the taking, complete with rest rooms for their festival, and free to be disturbed by no one. Why pay for a permit at a forest preserve? 

Today I contacted St. Casimir's cemetery ( 773-239-4422) and asked if this was 
a new thing I was not aware of, Mariachi cemetery entertainment? I was told this was not allowed, and that a complaint was called into the office this morning.

I'm sure there were many calls, not just one. The call taker said it was up to the caretaker of the cemetery to stop it. I asked what could be done in the future if this occurs again. I was placed on hold for quite some time, then abruptly told  it is not up to me to do anything; it is up to the caretaker.

From the looks of the huge event yesterday; the "caretaker" of St.Casimir's cemetery is surely deaf and blind and obviously complicit.  So now what, I'm not sure. I understand that similar activities by outside elements took place at St. Mary's cemetery until aggressive measures were taken. 

If you know of anyone who has loved ones interred at St. Casimir, please make them aware. In all the years of visits to St. Casimir, never in my life have I seen something quite like this. 




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