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75 year old white couple beaten and robbed by two male blacks while the couple was visiting a grave site

Thursday 26 September 2013

Police are searching for the suspects who attacked a man at a cemetery in Newark, New Jersey.
On a Sunday morning, out of devotion to deceased loved one, the 75-year-old man and his wife came to tend a gravesite, a heartfelt tradition that was horribly, painfully, brutally interrupted.
"He was approached by two males who grabbed him choked him, slashed him, forced him to the ground, continued to assault him," said Thomas Fennelly, the Essex County Assistant Prosecutor.
One frail man, defenseless against two young men, who not only beat him mercilessly, they then stole his car, which police have recovered. They are combing it for evidence that may lead to the attackers.
"We're looking for two black males, oval face, brown and black jacket," police said.
Rabbi Frankel was driving down Grove Street, looking for where the attack he'd also heard about occurred.
It's a graveyard, more than 100 years old, in an area where graves representing many religious denominations cover acres of land.
"It should be a place for people to respect, instead of such a heinous crime," Rabbi Frankel said.

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