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City of Chicago’s offer yanks retroactive pay hikes, union says - FOR ALL UNIONS not just Chicago Police

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Rank-and-file Chicago Police officers are not the only ones at risk of losing their retroactive pay raise. Mayor Rahm Emanuel is trying to deny nearly two years’ worth of back pay to 3,000 civilian city employees, their union charged Tuesday.
The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Council 31 disclosed that portion of the city’s offer in an attempt to turn up the heat on Emanuel to negotiate a fair replacement for a contract that expired more than a year ago and last gave AFSMCE members a pay raise on Jan. 1, 2012.
“We need wage increases that keep pace with the rising cost of city living for our members, but what the administration has offered doesn’t meet that standard and doesn’t provide any retroactive increase for the nearly two years that our members have been without a raise,” said AFSCME spokesman Anders Lindall, shortly before his members demonstrated outside two downtown work sites.

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