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From the FOP 7 Chicago Website - Lose them or lose them! BFD's & P-Days

Monday 30 September 2013

New LogoFraternal Order of Police Chicago Lodge #7
Current Update
September 30, 2013
2012 BFDs and P-Days
Members should be aware that any Baby Furlough Days or Personal Days carried over from the 2012 calendar year must be used in 2013. Any days that are not used will be forfeited.

While members have a contractual right to use these days up until December 31, 2013, it is recommended that members not wait until the last minute to use these days. Personal Days should be submitted at least ten-days in advance of the requested day off. BFDs should be submitted seven-days in advance.

Any member that is denied the use of any 2012 BFD or P-Day should document each occurrence. The Lodge will need this documentation if a member has to file a grievance after having multiple requests denied. Please contact the Lodge if you are denied on more than one occasion when attempting to use your 2012 days.

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