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New York French bakery fines $25,000.00 for not hiring this shithead Jamilah DaCosta, 25

Sunday 29 September 2013

Framboise Patisserie, a French bakery in Queens, New York was fined $25,000 by the NYC Human Rights Commission for discriminating against employment applicant Jamilah DaCosta, 25, due to her race, reports the NY Daily News. DaCosta interviewed with Framboise Patisserie’s co-owner Patty Meimetea in October 2011 and was told she was unsuitable for the “counter girl” position “because you’re Black.” Allegedly, Meimetea said that Black workers at the front of the store would scare away customers. (I call total bullshit in anybody telling this wildebeest this!) 

The Human Rights Commission fined Framboise $25,000 not only for their racial discrimination against DaCosta. but for placing a gender-specific Craiglist ad for a “counter-girl.” “I felt hurt. I was disgusted,” DaCosta said. “Before I could even pull out my resume or start a formal interview, she was telling me all this negative stuff — she couldn’t hire me because I was black, I would scare away her customers.” Adding insult to injury, Meimetea told DaCosta that she would hire her if a position became available in the kitchen, “where customers wouldn’t see her.” “They’re not judging me on my personality, but my skin color. What century are we living in?” DaCosta said. “I thought I had thick skin, I thought I could withstand anything, but it just completely broke me down

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