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FOP 7 Chicago Update - Fop Lodge WINS NATO Overtime Grievance - By Sidney Davis

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Sidney Davis

Chicago Police Officers worked tirelessly during the NATO Summit in May 2012. Many Officers worked six and sometimes seven consecutive days in a single workweek. These Officers submitted overtime requests that were denied. The Lodge filed a class-action grievance.

The grievance went to hearing before Arbitrator Steven Bierig. Arbitrator Bierig issued a binding arbitration award ruling in favor of the Lodge and the Officers who were denied overtime pay. This means that the Department must pay any Officer who worked six or seven consecutive days during the NATO Summit overtime pay for the 6th and 7th day(s) worked.

The Lodge is seeking to compile its own list of Officers who worked six or seven consecutive days to compare it to any list that will be submitted by the Department. Please click on the following NATO Overtime Survey and complete the survey. All submissions will be checked for accuracy.

The award may be found on the FOP Website under the Resources tab and selecting Arbitration Awards.

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