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Chicago Police Shoot Woman Pointing What Turn Out to be a Pellet Gun

Friday 27 September 2013

Police shot and seriously wounded a woman who they say pointed a gun toward them in a Pilsen alley.

A group of people called 911 after the woman aimed a gun at them in the 1000 block of West Cullerton Street about 10:30 p.m. Thursday, police said.

The woman had been walking with the gun when the group approached her. The woman continued north on Morgan Street and west into an alley between 19th Street and Cullerton Street, police said. 

Plainclothes officers approached her in the alley and the woman pointed the gun toward them, police said. The officers fired at her, hitting her several times, police said.

The woman matched the description provided by the 911 callers, and the officers told her they were the police before they opened fire, according to a statement released by the department early Friday morning. 

Fraternal Order of Police spokesman Patrick Camden said the weapon was a BB gun and that she had ducked behind a garbage can before poking back up and pointing it toward the officers. 

"Nobody's going to wait around to see if it's real or a toy," Camden said.

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