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Wait Til You See What O.J. Simpson Was Allegedly Caught Stealing In Prison - Believe it or not it was OREO COOKIES!

Friday 27 September 2013

O.J. Simpson could spend  a total of 33 years in prison for armed robbery. The 66-year-old former NFL star apparently risked adding more time to his already long sentence when he allegedly tried unsuccessfully to steal some cookies from the prison cafeteria.

Multiple reports have said  O.J. was caught with the contraband cookies hidden under his shirt as he left the cafeteria and was walking towards his cell.

The Daily Mail says that a suspicious guard stopped Simpson after noticing the bulge under his shirt. Inmates who witnessed the event apparently wondered if O.J. had tried to smuggle a cell phone or other banned technology into the facility. One witness described the humiliating and apparently hilarious scene, “So when the guard started pulling cookies out of O.J.’s shirt, the other inmates started laughing so hard they nearly fell over.”

“O.J. just stood there with a goofy grin on his face as the guard kept digging inside his shirt and throwing the cookies on the floor,” the Washington Times reported, quoting a National Enquirer source.

Adding to the irony of Simpson possibly spending the rest of his life behind bars for armed robbery after beating the double-murder charge, is his getting caught stealing cookies while being constantly warned by doctors that his severe diabetes must be addressed with strict diet and exercise.

The observant guard who caught the cookie bandit could have written a formal complaint that may have added time to O.J.’s sentence. Instead, the reports say, the generous jailer merely confiscated the cookies and let Simpson off with a verbal warning and the public embarrassment he experienced.

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