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Three colored boys (Trayvon Martin Want-a-be's), age 13 and 14, 'killed homeless man in game of knockout after stalking him and punching him in the head'

Monday 23 September 2013

Three New Jersey boys, two age 13 and one 14, have been arrested and charged with killing a homeless man after allegedly stalking and killing him in what police are calling a game of 'knockout.'

The teens are accused of following Ralph Santiago, 46, and punching him in the back of the head in broad daylight in Hoboken, New Jersey, on September 10. 

He fell against a fence and snapped his neck, killing him. His body was left on the quiet residential street before it was discovered by a passerby.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2430095/Three-boys-age-13-14-killed-homeless-man-game-knockout.html#ixzz2fmk4xJUe 

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