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Black CTA phone robber gets his ass kicked after robbing white tourist couple on the Orange Line

Sunday 28 April 2013

Re: Comment Section Question: Yes, they were coming from O'Hare and transferred to the Orange Line on the CTA to get to the southwest side.

PHOTO: Cell phone image sent to True News USA of the victim being interviewed next to the CPD squad car.

A white couple traveling from O'Hare on the Chicago CTA Orange Line were selected as victims by a male black robber because they were white & traveling with luggage. The male black grabbed the female's iPhone and fled off the train.

The male with the female victim gave chase and a few Hispanic males join in. The victim and the unidentified Hispanics caught the robber at 50th and South Kedzie and "used minimum necessary force to effect an arrest".

Police responded to a few 911 calls of a male black being beat in a parking lot at 5040 S. Kedzie. Upon arrival the police found out the alleged victim being beat was actually the cell phone robber!

Good work to all involved!

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