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Report from China: Chinese investors show strong interests in Australian's new investor visa program

Saturday 27 April 2013

Since November 24, 2012, Australia federal government will accept immigrant investor applications under a new Significant Investor Visa Program which requires $5 million Australian dollars (US$5.2 million). The A$5 million must be invested in state and territory Australian government debt, privately-owned Australian companies and managed funds that invest in Australian assets regulated by the Australian Securities & Investment Commission for four years and investors must reside in Australia for at least 160 days within a four year period. Foreign investors will receive a legal residency without English language requirements when they meet the required criteria.  Australian federal government extended 212 invitations to high net worth individuals in China, and has received total 354 applications from the mainland China up to this date. Some Chinese emigration agencies are actively promoting the program.  To learn more about Chinese investors market, please log on http://www.EB5WorkShop.com.

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