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Chinese investors prefer EB-5 hotel projects over other opportunities

Wednesday 24 April 2013

(By Brian Su) I have seen various hotel projects available to Chinese EB-5 investors in the past five years, familiar brands such as Marriott, Hilton, Holiday Inn, Wyndham are always attracting investor attention. Some boutique independent hotel and casino hotel projects are also funded by EB-5 investors. Sometimes larger hotel projects can be sold quickly than smaller ones. Many developers asked reasons that hotels are popular among investors. 

To Chinese investors, well-known international brands such as Marriott and Holiday Inn are always attractive, no matter where these developments are located in the US, Chinese investors simply recognize and love the brands because Marriott and Holiday Inn properties can been seen throughout China, they are very comfortable with anything that bears these brands. Typically these western-branded hotels in China are high end four or five star properties than we often see in the U.S. Chinese people are always fond of international brands anyway, and quite often ignore due diligence process on specific projects simply because of the brands.

Hotel projects in major cities such as Los Angeles, New York, Las Vegas, Washington DC, would get more attention because of noticeable locations. Most of Chinese investors do not have or/and lack of knowledge about US tourism and hospitality market, however they are quite interested in pouring EB-5 capital in hotel opportunities because these are real estate investments which are firmly believed by the Chinese that real estate sector is always better than anything else.

For more information about understanding Chinese investors market, join us at our Atlanta workshop
April 30, book today at http://atlantaEB5.eventbrite.com.

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