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UPDATE: Richie Daley giving $540,000 in campaign funds to charity - Something a politician usually does right before indictment

Wednesday 24 April 2013

UPDATE: Daley giving $540,000 in campaign funds to charity
Former Mayor Richard Daley is giving more than $500,000 remaining in his campaign fund to 13 charities, with the biggest bequest going to the After School Matters organization founded by his wife Maggie, a spokeswoman said Tuesday.
Daley gave Father Pfleger of St. Sabina $20,000.00
And only $10,000 each to Police Memorial Fund & Fire Department Fund
So it appears Daley loves Father Pfleger TWICE as MUCH as the police officers and firefighters

Former Mayor Richard Daley is giving more than $500,000 remaining in his campaign fund to 13 charities, with the biggest bequest going to the After School Matters organization founded by his wife Maggie, a spokeswoman said Tuesday.
He's also giving six-figure sums to a cancer center that bears the late Maggie Daley's name and a prominent children's hospital.
Daley could have put the money in his pocket and paid taxes on it. State law bans that practice, but Daley is part of an increasingly smaller group of veteran politicians allowed to take what was in their campaign funds as of the end of June 1998. The former mayor chose another route.
"I have to say, that's pretty commendable," said David Morrison, deputy director of the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform. "It's pretty rare that a campaign committee gives that much to charity."

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